Thursday, May 21, 2009

mY New wOrKIng aRea

This is my new working area. However the console table is not belong to me. It is a temporary one given on loan basis by the furniture shop as compensation for selling my actual console table to other people. Hangin satu badan ni!!! All this while, nobody seems interested with it until i saw and asked the manager to remove the original color and make it black color since he gave me very good price.

I have to wait until end June to get my new replacement, exactly what i want. Luckily, the cost to remove and repaint and delivery will be borne by them. Wow...good bargain! This temporary console is expansive than mine. Kudos to the furniture shop manager so being kind to his loyal customer like me.

From that day, i have made it as my working area. I just put my house telephone and Zed's wedding group photo. Currently, i am using P1Wimax. I dont have any internet problem anymore. It is faster and cheaper.


kuchai said...

baper ekk P1wMax tuh wak? haaa patut la mcm baru emang baru rupanya...yaayy akak dah rasmi dulu...i loiiikkeee

emdy said...

ambik yang murah aje. package monthly RM49 per month. So far mmg x byk problem. Bukak pc terus dah boleh pakai immediately. Yang penting boleh access internet nok.

Rahadzibi said...

Could you pls tell me more about p1wmax? am a student need it at my hostel if possible