Friday, August 22, 2008


dah lama tak update my blog. Some of my friends did say my blog dah bersawang. Nevermind. I've been busy lately with my workload and unforseen additonal personal matters.

Nothing much to update since last April. Somehow, i managed to join a group of friends to PD for holiday. Later to Fraser's Hill and recently to PD again. Dont ask me why i like to go PD. Nothing much except i need to take a break for my hectic daily schedule.

I haven't been to gym almost 2 months. My body has become bigger and bigger again. Trying to diet but eversince my beloved sister from hometown around, almost everynight without fail, i was taking dinner. I really missed her food all this while.

My love or scandal life? Quite sometime temporarily stop! Nowadays, i prefer to hangout with my close friends for coffee or dinner. I love their accompany.

Condolence to my close aunt on her beloved husband demise on 9 August. I am planning to visit her often. She is the closest aunt from my father side. When i look at her, i always remember my late grandma.

This months i have received a lot of wedding invitation. Penat asyik makan nasi minyak or beriani. Anyway thanks for those invite and mana yang tak dapat or sempat attend tu, my sincere apology. To Diha, thanks for the invite and congratulation to you brother. Diha, bila lagi??? takkan dengan abang songkok color maroon tu.

I really missed my gym and gymfreak. To Rose & Lola, both of you always in my heart and i missed both of you. My beloved friend, Eugene, get well soon. To Zed, my respect to you. You can handle it although it may too pain and bitter for you to face it. Hope Nikki's condition become better.

I will update my other entry sooner.